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Mar 05, 2019 by Skillbox

Hey, Freelancers: This New Method Could Boost Your Productivity into Oblivion [Freelance Guide]

What is this new method everyone is talking about?! Yes, that's right its the Pomodoro technique. Let’s explore how your productivity as a freelancer is important. Being efficient and keeping your “eye on the ball” will not only increase your performance day by day it can provide you with a true incentive; to increase the amount of money made in any given time frame.

Finishing a project in half the time will generate double the revenue! It seems obvious when you put it that way, however, really think about how to be productive, and this might even allow you to produce consistent projects promptly. The reward you will have more time to socialise, be with family and increase project turnover without the need to work any additional hours. 


Pomodoro technique

Photo by raw pixel 


Looking to work on your Pomodoro technique?


Pomodoro Technique: Intro


What is the Pomodoro technique I hear you ask? It sounds like this method is new to you! The Pomodoro technique is essentially a time management system; it was first developed by a stressed-out student, Francesco Cirillo, in the 1980s. This technique formed due to Cirillo using a basic tomato-shaped kitchen timer to measure the time spent on projects (hence the name, Pomodoro). Cirillo quickly realised that spending too much time at his desk was not helping him study.

The refined technique is as follows:

  • Set a timer for 25 minutes (a “Pomodoro” session).
  • Work solidly until the timer sounds.
  • Break for 5 minutes.
  • Re-set your timer, for another Pomodoro session.
  • Repeat the process four times.
  • Take a longer 15 to 20-minute break before continuing.

Is the Pomodoro technique that effective?

The technique helps battle the urge to go on social media and prevents nearly every distraction that comes to mind. Going on Facebook or watching videos on YouTube is just the start. Having this method in action allows you to focus as you realise the timer is ticking and you only have 25 minutes to engage. Freelance work is all about self-discipline that is why using the Pomodoro technique can make all the difference to your freelance work day.

There are “two sides to the coin” with this technique not only are you getting your freelance work done you are not sitting for hours on end trying to complete your project with potential distractions plaguing your workflow. Research has shown that inactivity for long periods is a major health risk. Ideally, getting up for lunch or going for a coffee can help, however, taking regular breaks after every “Pomodoro” is best practice.


Pomodoro Technique: How to handle distractions


Freelance work from home can sometimes cause procrastination due to each freelancer having their work style. The Pomodoro technique can assist with this – if you are distracted by a thought during a session make a note of it and continue your work, as you will be able to address the idea after 25 minutes.  

As a freelancer, your primary objective is to do as much of the task as possible to achieve your aim by the end of the day. There are multiple ways to work productively here are a few:

  • Use checklists.
  • Group similar tasks.
  • Meditate to increase your focus.
  • Plan your break time.

Your productivity while completing freelance work will improve if you follow these simple techniques. Using checklists allows you to remember each step of the project in chronological order if you were to miss a step, consider the consequences as you will have to refer back at a later date to complete the outstanding section, therefore this would waste time due to you re-visiting. 

Grouping similar tasks help increase productivity by ensuring you are researching relevant ideas at the same time allowing you to outline and complete works in a sequential pattern.  

Meditating has been proven by science that you will have a higher level of focus as minds do tend to wander during the day and this will not be the case if you meditate. A great way to start meditating is to download an app find a quiet place so that you can be calm and collected ready for your freelance work.

Planning your break time is another way to reduce distractions. You can decide on what you will be doing on your break and precisely when to take them. Scheduling will help prevent you from being distracted by social media.

Combing all these strategies with the Pomodoro technique is a compelling way to help you eliminate any potential distractions. As you practise the method, you will discover the many benefits; your ability to focus and your productivity will improve throughout each session.

Being distracted by colleagues is never fun because you will start to feel out of control in your day if for example you are distracted by workplace colleagues you can use the following knowledge “inform, negotiate and call back”. The idea behind this is to inform the person distracting you that you are working on something right now, negotiate a time to talk later and finally, be specific and mention a time. By gaining back control of your day by following this structure, you will feel immediately more productive.


Pomodoro Technique: Boosted benefits  


When cutting down large scale tasks into 25-minute sessions, it can make daunting projects suddenly feel more manageable. Having a fixed time limit means you are less likely to miss breakfast, lunch or even dinner and you will sleep better for it knowing you have controlled your day, other benefits include better social interaction and physical activity all of which are fundamental to stress management and ensuring your freelance work prospers from a productive environment. You can use a basic kitchen timer or just one of the many apps available to you on your smartphone, what are you waiting for get started today!

Luckily, Skillbox has a built in a project timer when you get started with a client, visit us today and experience the compelling Pomodoro technique.


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