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Apr 06, 2020 by Lauren Stevens

How to be a Successful Freelancer & Make Money Fast [Freelance Guide]

What factors distinguish the good freelancers from the great? This article outlines what you should focus on to ensure your freelancing success.

Freelancing is your dream, and you want to make sure you do it right. In this article, we will explore how to be a successful freelancer. 


How to be a successful freelancer

Photo by Austin Distel & Blog by Lauren Stevens


Become a success today!


Freelance Success Relates to Your Working Environment


Working from home might sound great, but it could obstruct your success as a freelancer.

Once you start associating home with work, it can be hard to know when to “switch off”. Reminders of work, tasks and projects surround you, and once your working hat is on, it can be hard to take off. You may find you're working more hours and risk burning out!

Or conversely, the distractions of a home may hinder your ability to work. It's hard to concentrate when there are cool video games to play and no supervisor watching over you!

If nothing else, it can become monotonous being within the same four walls all day, every day.

Because of this, it’s essential to create the right working environment. If the home isn’t working for you, consider other places to work such as a favourite café, coworking space or library. Working elsewhere could help you focus entirely on projects and create a better divide between work and home life.


Community and Relationships for Your Wellbeing and Relationships 


The workplace offers a space to build friendships and professional relationships. And having an employer can help people to feel more supported with regards to training and development. In comparison, freelancing can feel lonely and isolated.

That’s why it’s crucial to have a sense of community – a source of friendship, encouragement, resources and information to help strengthen your freelancing career.

Luckily, we live in a day and age where you can connect with anyone, anywhere with the simple click of a few buttons! The internet provides a wealth of resources to connect with others and build a sense of community to support your professional development.

Groups on social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn are easy ways to connect to those with similar interests and specialisms. Just use the search option to find what’s out there!

There are also websites and online forums like Freelancers Union, Freelance Forum, Work Remotely From Home Forum and TalkFreelance which are dedicated to this exact purpose. Or you could scour the internet for forums relating to your profession and interests.

Coffee shops and coworking spaces are another great way to meet people, network and find new opportunities, and have the added benefit of switching up your environment.


Continue to Educate Yourself the Freelancer Way


The world is always changing. Technology is rapidly transforming all industries. Whatever your expertise, there is still something new to learn. To stay ahead in the freelancing game, you need to have your finger on the pulse of new trends and developments.

Make yourself more employable by investing in your learning through online courses, accredited certifications, and whatever else fills gaps in your knowledge. With the internet at your fingertips, including resources like Udemy, Hubspot and LinkedIn Learning, there is no excuse not to. It will help you stay ahead of the competition and stand out to clients.


Discipline Yourself to Achieve a Freelance Career 


The perks of being your boss come with inevitable downsides. You have to organise yourself and your workload and consistently find clients to keep your business afloat. Therefore, discipline is the deciding factor for freelancing success.

No one is there to pick up any slack. It’s all down to you! So, if you’re a serial procrastinator, you might want to have a rethink about how you organise your workflow and motivate yourself.


Build Your Reputation and Network to Success 


Ultimately, you’re not going to be a successful freelancer if you don’t find clients who pay you! It’s crucial to pay attention to building your brand and reputation, find clients and maintain professional contacts.

Make sure your social media, brand and portfolio are on point. Use LinkedIn and Facebook groups to connect and establish yourself as an authority in your discipline. And don’t be afraid to reach out to connections, new and old – potential clients could be anything from past employers to upcoming local businesses. Look for where you can add value!

The effort doesn’t stop there: once you’ve been assigned a project, it’s essential to make a lasting positive impression through how you communicate and the quality of work you produce. This could result in repeat business from a client as well as positive testimonials and referrals, securing you even more business going forward.


Create your freelancing success story today by signing up for access to our pool of clients searching for qualified professionals like you.


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