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Jan 22, 2019 by Skillbox

Starting a Freelance Business? Here Are 7 Top Tips for Success [Freelance Guide]

Starting a freelance business can be daunting, however, you can take it to vast heights as there are many opportunities for freelancers of which this article will uncover.

Whether you are a skilled writer, a wiz at computer programming, a top web developer or a superb freelance professional there are always huge benefits in going freelance.

The key perks to freelancing consist of picking and choosing the freelance jobs you do and the clients you work with. Aside from this you can set your own pricing and work to your own schedule. You can even complete projects from the comfort of your own home!

Plan carefully before taking freelancing on full time because as enjoyable as it is to have your own independence and be selective in your working life, you must ensure you are making the right moves financially and adjust your expenditure accordingly.

When implementing a plan, make sure you pinpoint the clients that you stand a good chance of having a long-standing relationship with, allowing you to have a steady stream of income to support your freelance career. Here are some top tips to help you grow your freelance business.


how to start a freelance business




1. Freelance Business: Choose your projects with care


Get on the right track from the very beginning by choosing your initial freelance jobs with care as this will set the tone for your new freelance business. Where do your expertise lie? Have a hard think about what you can offer that exerts quality in your line of work, then look out for freelance jobs that match your qualifications and experience.

Once you have selected the appropriate area to market your freelance jobs, get settled in by setting up some sample work and add it to your profile on Skillbox to showcase what your clients can expect from you.

Identifying your strongest skill set to compete for freelance jobs will enable you to deliver good quality and consistent work for an array of clients which can give you the chance of far exceeding their expectations.

Any positive feedback that is given over the initial period will allow you to gain more suiters and organically grow your freelance business without the need for a big marketing budget.


2. Freelance Business: Keep your clients well informed


If you wish to become a successful freelancer, you need to build up a good rapport with your clients to increase the chance of repeat business.

A great way of achieving repeat business is to ensure the client you are freelancing for is getting exceptional service, attention to detail and that you're exceeding all expectations possible.

Good communication is essential as one happy customer can lead to many new leads from word of mouth or reviews that are presented on your Skillbox profile.


3. Freelance Business: Starting a new project?


Before you take on a new project, make sure you gather all the required information and specific details of the project, allowing for you to be on the same page in terms of what the consumer wants.

Skillbox has a quick and easy ‘contact me’ option allowing buyers to get in touch where needed, once the buyer has approached you, this will open up in your messaging centre allowing access to vital communication during your project.

Set up milestones if the project is on a large scale as this can be beneficial for both parties, allowing quality to be delivered by categorising the project in small stages whilst also having the buyer send money to you at each milestone of the project.

It's imperative you keep your client updated on a regular basis, acting as a point of ongoing communication as this will be the key to delivering top quality work and prove the project to be a success.


4. Freelance Business: Select the job that suits you most


There is always the temptation to take on every job that is on offer, especially when you are starting out, but rather be selective as some jobs are worth more than others and your time is very valuable.

If you are taking on too many jobs regardless of your qualifications or the client’s needs, you could find yourself being quickly overwhelmed.

If you accept all freelance jobs offered to you, it may result in you burying your head in the sand which could very well affect the quality of your work. Instead of a few happy clients, it may lead to dozens of dissatisfied customers.

Control this process. Instead of taking on more than you can chew, simply structure your workload by taking on a few projects and ensure they are to an exceptional standard.

As your reputation grows you will be able to land bigger and better clients, moving your freelance business in the right direction. 


5. Freelance Business: Structure your rates fairly but realistically


When setting your rates this will have an impact on your earning potential and the overall success of your business. So, allow time to think carefully before setting them.

Setting competitive rates can make you look more attractive driving footfall through your freelance business and making it more profitable in the long run.

Hit the sweet spot by perhaps enticing clients in with an initial offer or low-priced product leading up to a high-end service creating fair pay for the work you are doing.


6. Freelance Business: Market research is key


It pays to do market research before you start looking for clients. The best practice is to assess what other more experienced freelancers are charging also, in line with this make sure you check out newcomer rates.

Being aware of and implementing something close to the going rate is important for your positioning in the freelance marketplace, allowing you a better chance of building a profitable freelance business.

Check out this marketing strategy plan for further guidance: 


how to start a freelance business



7. Freelance Business: Draw up a contract


It is always important to draw up a contract before you commence work. At Skillbox we have a set of terms and conditions to protect both the buyer and seller, allowing full transparency which, in turn, enables both parties to trade with ease. It is optional whether you attach a non-disclosure agreement to the project.


Bouns Tip: Making payments


The Skillbox payment system uses an escrow service which has been created to give both parties peace of mind when conducting business through our platform.

The escrow service simply holds the buyer’s money until the job has been completed and approved, releasing the funds after a cooling off period of 10 days.

The Skillbox payment system is state of the art and makes it the most secure way of dealing with any such transaction.

Working as a freelancer can be very rewarding, however, you need to approach it in the right way to build a solid freelance business.

Think like a businessperson. The tips listed above can help you do just that. If you are ready to start, sign up to Skillbox here and get your freelance career up and running.




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